Serving Beyond Borders //
Global Projects

SBB is committed to ministering freely as Jesus did. All our work is based on free-will offerings and donations. Jesus said freely you received, freely give. SBB stands as a testimony that God will supply for the needs of His people. 

Because of the Lord’s generosity SBB has been able to have a widespread international impact as we travel all over the world, always available to go where God opens doors. 

And while our ministry is always expanding to new territories, we focus on returning to several strategic places of ministry, partnering with both organizations and nationals to fulfill our vision.


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The Middle East

Our hearts cry out for this important, yet volatile, part of the world where three of the world's oldest religions intersect, and conflict. And a place we learned to love. 

Since 2000, we have been involved with Bible training of cross-cultural workers and nationals of many various Middle Eastern countries, so that these men and women in turn, will reach their own. SBB continues in this important work as we partner with local seminaries, encourage cross-cultural workers, and gather with Believers in house churches.

SBB has a strategic partnership with a dynamic fellowship in the Arab world. This church is cutting-edge in reaching out to people of various faiths to show the Love of God through Jesus the Messiah. They also have a great justice ministry reaching the poor, oppressed and refugees in their midst. SBB counts it a privilege to come alongside and support the work God is doing in the Middle East.

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If all people are going to be reached in hearing the Gospel, then workers are needed who will go and sacrifice to share with those who have not heard. SBB has been working with nationals in various Asian countries where small schools have been established to train men and women in church-planting and evangelism. Mega-churches are great, but small fellowships spreading like wildfire continue to reach people in this part of the world. SBB is privileged to go and help in training and supporting the work of these nationals and cross-cultural workers and they serve on the front lines of advancing the Gospel.



Hundreds of languages in this region still need the Bible translated. SBB is doing their part to help every man and women have the opportunity to hear the Word of God in their mother-tongue by partnering  directly with Bible Translators. SBB serves these tremendous translation organizations by helping to keep their cross-cultural workers on the field spiritually healthy. Each year we go for an extended period of time to minister to these dear saints. Some of the physical projects SBB supports are the training resources for teaching Bible literacy, so that the villagers will be able to read their Bibles. Recently the Lord has opened up a new door for SBB to equip church leaders at a Bible school in a dense tropical rainforests in a remote region of the world, training Believers in the Bible and pastoral ministry. 

After one trip where Doug spent two weeks in one of the most remote places on earth, the leaders expressed their thanks for coming to teach them the Word of God. One man stood up and said, "Thank you for equipping us in the Gospel! Now we are better equipped to preach the Gospel to the remote areas of the world." Amazing! And we thought this was the remotest part!


Central America

While on a trip to one country in the region, Doug connected with a missionary couple with an amazing vision and ministry devoted to serving some of the more economically oppressed people in the world. SBB has partnered with this ministry to help with outreach, discipleship and rehab. SBB has also hosted an Apologetic conference and Marriage seminars in this part of the world while also continuing to minister to cross-cultural workers.



God has opened the door for SBB to partner with a dynamic wholistic ministry in Southern Africa. We have been able to offer counseling, encouragement, and direct support to see this ministry enlarge as it seeks to reach an area of Africa that is among the poorest of the poor. It is a blessing to minister through counseling, teachings and support to these workers who have established work among widows and women rescued out of sex-trafficking. 

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The Bible Blueprint:
Our Gospel Creed

What is the Gospel? It is such a simple question, yet the answer has eternal significance:

Amazingly, too many Christians do not know, or cannot articulate the answer to this question. In this small but powerful booklet the reader will discover the clear life-changing statement of “What is the Gospel?”

It is the blueprint for living a life of power and the ultimate unifying call of the Church upon which all Christians must agree.

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