We were never meant to do life alone,
and that comes to parenting also

And what better way to learn, but in community

A tested group resource for both first time, as well as experienced leaders. (And whether you are a newer parent, or an older one, we all have experiences to share to learn from each other. And that’s what this small group resource is all about!)

8 weeks long / perfect for in-person (or ZOOM) meetings.

Each chapter’s video is approx 15 minutes long (leaving lots of time for group

A fool-proof Leaders Guide (includes downloadable access to all videos) will walk you step-by-step through facilitating the group.

Join us as we learn (and laugh) . . . together.

Your Videos are a Click Away . . . !


Once you purchase the Leaders Guide, you will find the Access Code inside the book.

Then, fill out the form and you will receive an immediate password to access the small group videos to The Perfect Parent.


(And, thank you! All proceeds support the work on Serving Beyond Borders, which exists for the two-fold purpose of training and equipping cross-cultural workers and nationals with the goal of making disciples who make disciples around the world.)