Making Disciples Who Make Disciples

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001 // Engaging with our Relevant Resources

After living on four continents, we have a big heart and great passion for those living in all cultural contexts, of all generations…who want to make disciples who make disciples.


002 // Encouraging Nationals and Cross-Cultural Workers

Understanding the spiritual barrenness of overseas workers with little or no pastoral support, we partner directly with Wycliffe Bible Translators and other organizations offering pastoral care for people on their own turf…serving those who serve.

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003 // Empowering People to Serve

We partner with the local churches and seminaries in the US and overseas to encourage those in ministry to focus on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and minister in the Power of the Holy Spirit. We seek to minister to these precious servants by spending time with them, encouraging them and their families, providing them with sound Biblical theological training and helps, and mentoring them through practical ministry issues.

As we partner with existing organizations and local churches, we travel anywhere in the world . . . 

serving those who serve.