“The more you live the Bible the more blessed your life will be.”

– Dr. Doug Ley

“The Call of Making Disciples Who Make Disciples
begins in the Home.”

If it's one thing that defines us, it is this: We are both committed to Jesus Christ…above all else.
And we believe this is why we have been blessed in all areas of our lives.

From the business world to the military, from over fifteen years in the pastorate to twelve years in overseas work, we are passionate about helping others know the freedom only to be found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and living in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Doug received his Master of Theology degree from Dallas Seminary and a Doctorate of Ministry in Apologetics from Southern Evangelical Seminary. As President of Serving Beyond Borders, he serves the Evangelical Spirit-filled ministry that seeks to encourage and empower cross-cultural workers and nationals in their work to advance the Gospel throughout the world. 

Paula has served in leadership positions with various organizations both home and abroad; serving in discipleship, women’s initiatives, and administration. She holds a Bachelor of Theology from Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary. 


Doug and Paula have four married children and eighteen grandchildren (and counting!). And like the Apostle John in 3 John 4, they have no greater joy than to know their children walk in truth, whose name is Jesus! They truly believe that the legacy of making disciples who make disciples begins in the home.

When not traveling, they also serve at a thriving church in the Tampa Bay area, training young men and women for ministry; making disciples who make disciples.


The Team in which SBB is founded strongly believes that the body of Christ functions best in community. We have worked hard to create a kingdom-minded community with a heart for the world among
our team and board members. 

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Jessica Breeding

Project Director

The Lord led Louis and Jessica to find each other at church, and they were joyfully joined in marriage in 2018.

Confirmed in their passion and call to “the least of these” in many spheres, they are now the parents of three sweet boys brought into their home by God for them to love.

Both faithful in their service to God by leading in many different areas of ministry inside and outside the walls of their local congregation, Jessica is also blessing Serving Beyond Borders by using her gifts of exceptional communication and organization, as she comes alongside SBB as Project Director. 

With great hearts for the lost and a remembrance of what God has rescued them out of...Louis and Jessica have been on mission with SBB to India, Sri Lanka, and Nicaragua, serving those who serve with abandon and bringing their giftings of compassion and care to a lost world.

Josiah & Larissa Ley

Consultant /
Social Media Director

2017 was a monumental year for Josiah and Larissa, as God confirmed their calling into full time ministry, and placed them in positions of influence in their community through Apartment Life and their local congregation.

Josiah and Larissa currently serve their church as Creative and Worship Pastor and Larissa heads up the small group ministry.

Growing up in the Middle East, and then serving with Operation Mobilization, Josiah has the eyes and experience of a missionary.

Larissa has the incredible talent of an artist’s eye, merging photography and digital arts as our social media director extraordinaire!

With great hearts for the people of the world, he and Larissa bring their gifts of evangelism and discipleship by lovingly serving people in whatever culture and country they are in.

As the parents of three (with the forth on the way!) they also joyfully embrace the responsibility of discipleship that begins at home. 

SBB Board Members

Jon & Jill Strong

“We realize each touch-point with those of whom we may encounter are orchestrated by God. It is with this mindset we purposefully carry-on, taking part in Gods story-line to further the Kingdom.”

Michael & Shelise Boso

“We have a passion for those to come to the full knowledge of the saving grace of Jesus Christ here and there. Out of our own experience of pain and loss, we desire to minister to couples and individuals who are stuck by the circumstances of past and present, spurring one another on to seek the Lord deeper and to be an encouragement to the brethren.”

Ray & Linda Thompson

“God has also given us a heart for short-term missions, and missionaries. Our goal is to spread the Gospel, as well as minister and encourage missionaries in far-away countries. We are blessed and humbled to serve with SBB.”

Moved by what you are learning?

Invite Dr. Doug Ley to come to your community and speak.